Cyril Orr
Committee Chair

John Oliver
Vice Chair

Andrew Robinson
Policy Officer
Latest UFU MPI https://www.ufuni.org/news/ufu-mpi
Latest DAERA data https://www.daera-ni.gov.uk/publications/milk-price-and-production-statistics-1997-onwards
Latest AHDB data https://dairy.ahdb.org.uk/
Latest figures from the EU Commission’s Milk Market Observatory (MMO)
Current issues the committee is considering:
- Mandatory milk contracts in Northern Ireland
- Constituent pricing of milk in Northern Ireland
- Dairy policy in post Brexit (including the domestic market for dairy products)
- Promotion of Northern Ireland dairying
- Addressing and managing milk price volatility (futures, fixed price contracts, margin protection etc)
- Analysing energy use on Northern Ireland dairy farms
- Engage with local dairy discussion groups