Brendan Kelly

Crawford Wilson

Kellie Rouse
Policy officer
Latest figures from the EU Meat Market Observatory. The aim of this is to provide the EU beaf & veal and pigmeat sector with more transparency by means of disseminating market data and short-term analysis in a timely manner. In addition to the website, which is updated regularly, the Observatory has an Expert Group which meets at least 3 times a year.
Current issues the committee is considering:
- Brexit – developing policies on future trade arrangements and agricultural support mechanisms
- Campaigning for better prices for farmers
- Representing farmers views with processors and retailers
- Animal health – primarily in relation to bovine TB and BVD eradication
- Supporting an NI livestock genomics programme
- NI Marketing body
- Seeking flexibility on regulatory controls for cattle and sheep
- Beef and lamb promotion
- BSE negligible risk status – maximising the benefits for the NI industry
- Lobbying for new beef research facilities at AFBI and CAFRE
- Providing representation on the NI Farm Quality Assurance Board
- Farm Business Investment Scheme
- Environmental Farming Scheme
- EU Exceptional Aid Package