Bill Harpur
Committee Chair

Ian Buchanan
Vice Chair

Aileen Lawson
Assistant Policy Manager
Current issues the committee is considering:
- Climate Change / Greenhouse Gas Emissions
- Ammonia Emissions / Planning
- Nutrients Action Programme
- Nitrates Derogation
- Soil Nutrient Health Scheme
- Future Agricultural Policy – Farming with Nature
- Carbon Footprinting
- Biodiversity Strategy
- Office of Environmental Protection
- Cross compliance verifiable standards – GAEC and SMRs
- Issues with NIEA and how they interact with farmers – NIEA / UFU Memorandum of Understanding.
- Environment cross-compliance inspections
- Agri-environment schemes
- Working with other organisations to assist farmers and improve environment
- Issues around designated sites
- Water Framework Directive – River Basin Management Plans
- Issues around IPPC