The Ulster Farmers Union has joined forces with several other European Farming Organisations in submitting a joint letter to the European Parliament, the Council of Agriculture Ministers and the European Commission calling for the provision of mandatory match-funding if any funds are to be transferred from Pillar 1(Direct Support) to Pillar 2 (Rural Development) as part of the CAP Reform process.
UFU President Harry Sinclair said; “The declaration calling for the co-financing of funds between Pillar 1 and Pillar 2 is in line with the original proposal from the European Commission, as well as the opinion of the European Parliament. The Union’s position has always been not to allow the movement of funds from Pillar 1 to Pillar 2 however, if the option to transfer funds is to be agreed at European level it must be co-financed. This will ensure that only the projects that member states themselves prioritise enough to co-finance will be implemented and that European funds along with the national contributions are managed properly.”
Harry continued; “Given that the Agriculture Ministers support the position agreed by the 27 member states to allow the transfer of funds from Pillar 1 to Pillar 2, without the need for co-financing, we are relying on our MEPs to change the direction of travel so that the mandatory co-financing of any funds transferred is included in the final compromise on the reform of the CAP.”
The UFU will continue to participate in meetings with top officials, ensuring that farmers’ views are represented and accounted for and that the final CAP deal is workable for Northern Ireland.