Beef and Lamb

UFU goes back to basics this Love Lamb Week

Gerry Melotte, ABP, Crawford Wilson, UFU beef and lamb committee vice chair and Farm Quality Assured Scheme (FQAS) farmer, Colin Smith, LMC chief executive and Ian Wilson, FQAS farmer.

Love Lamb Week begins on Sunday 1 – Saturday 7 September 2024, and the Ulster Farmers’ Union is focusing on the key elements of sheep farming to raise awareness about what it involves and how the work that farmers do delivers for everyone in society. It is also collaborating with industry body the Livestock and Meat Commission, for the initiative.

UFU beef and lamb chair Brendan Kelly said, “The sheep sector is an integral part of the agri-food industry and this Love Lamb Week we are focusing on what happens on sheep farms across the region to help add more value to the final product and to highlight our contribution to wider society. If there is a lack of awareness about the farming practices that Northern Ireland sheep farmers uphold, from sheering sheep for the health of the animal to grazing the flock to maintain biodiversity and sequester carbon, it can impact a buyer’s choices and undervalue local produce.

“For our 2024 Love Lamb Week campaign, we have a variety of content planned to raise awareness of sheep farming. This includes a video explaining the basics about sheep farming, why sheep farming is vital in upland areas and the care and attention that lambing season requires. All of which demonstrate the expertise and professionalism of our farmers which is often underestimated. We also have a competition to engage more with consumers and have an Instagram takeover planned on our UFU channel to show what a day is like on farm for a sheep farmer.”

In the 2023 sheep census, it reported that there is approximately two million sheep in NI including 973,718 breeding ewes. 38% of farmers in NI have sheep and the value of the sheep industry output in 2023 was £109 million. However, due to an increase in input costs and lower market return, NI sheep farmers have some of the lowest farming incomes.

“Nutritious lamb is only one of the many things that sheep farming delivers for NI. Sheep production is a key contributor to the economy supporting the region to invest in other areas of society and helps to look after the iconic landscape that we live in and which tourists adore. To support farmers to do this work and for the sector to be viable, the UFU is continuing to lobby to get much needed sheep support in place. At present, it is not included in the new future agriculture policy.

“We hope that our Love Lamb Week campaign will gather support and help consumers understand why this sector is worth investing in, and they can do so by choosing local,” said Mr Kelly.

LMC chief executive Colin Smith said, “We are delighted to once again team up with UFU to promote our responsibly produced, nutritious, world class Northern Ireland Farm Quality Assured (NIFQA) lamb. We are pleased that ABP Linden will also be joining the campaign’s promotional efforts this year.

“Love Lamb Week shines a light on all the positive attributes of UK sheep production as well as highlighting the versatility of lamb and its nutritional credentials. Throughout the week LMC will promote the versatility of lamb and encourage consumers to try it in a range of ways. We are looking forward to sharing key messages via print, radio and digital platforms throughout the course of the week.

“In Northern Ireland we have a hugely positive story to tell where lamb production is concerned. Working collaboratively with our fellow industry partners enables us to tell the full and positive story of NIFQA lamb from farm right through to fork. We hope our promotional efforts inspire consumers to cook lamb, and to support this we have a dozens of delicious lamb recipes available on”