A guide to help farmers maximize wool’s value.
Produced by the Irish Grown Wool Council in partnership with Teagasc, the ‘Shear Success’ guide is aimed at supporting sheep farmers to maximise the value of their wool. The practical guide offers recommendations to sheep farmers on how best to prepare before, during and after shearing, to maximise their wool value and avoid reducing its potential value and use.
The guide emphasises best practices for maintaining fleece quality, plus, wool handling techniques to ensure that fleeces are rolled and stored correctly post-shearing to preserve their integrity and value.
The ‘Shear Success’ leaflet was officially launched at the Ploughing Championships during the week, and complements the earlier launch this year of two comprehensive short videos produced by the Irish Grown Wool Council and Teagasc. These videos, available online and via YouTube, are presented by sheep farmers Jayne Harkness-Bones, Ulster Wool, and David Heraty, Irish Sheep Shearers Association. Both participants of the wool quality and presentation working group in the Irish Grown Wool Council.
The video content provides best practice for sheep farmers to ensure enhanced wool quality and presentation so that wool is presented in the best possible condition for sale onwards to wool merchants and exporters.
You can view the Shear Success leaflet, by clicking the following link – Shear Success guide.
To view the videos, click here.