Translink NI Railways is reminding level crossing owners to take care when working or operating machinery near tracks with the reopening of the Londonderry line following a 7 month period of closure to facilitate major track life extension works.
Translink has written to the almost 200 level crossing users on the Derry line at the end of February to advise them that test trains would be running on the line from Monday 4th March 2013, and that passenger services will resume on Sunday 24th March 2013.
Keith Pollock, Level Crossing Safety Coordinator, Translink said, “Trains will be running at higher speeds then previously following the line upgrade works. We are asking crossing owners to inform their families, visitors and employees about these changes and ensure that they always follow the rules when using level crossings.
Although the majority of crossing owners are responsible and use their crossings safely, we have been writing to and contacting crossing owners to remind them refresh their safe systems of working before the line reopens. We will also be issuing copies of our latest safety information booklet to landowners who have crossings on their land, before the end of March.
As part of our wider rail safety campaign we have been working with schools and communities preparing them for the reopening of the line.”
For further information on Translink’s safety initiatives, go to .
Copies of "The safe use of user worked crossings' are available from Translink by calling 02890 355444 and can also be downloaded