Northern Ireland’s (NI) farming and food production is core to the local economy and in turn is a core part of our business. We fund farmers and growers, others in the supply chain through to food processors, retailers and the end customer.
The industry has continued to evolve and grow despite many challenges from weather and disease to prices and legislation. Thankfully, after years of neglect, there is growing recognition that the farming and food sector is a strategic asset for the UK economy and for food security.
The current challenge is to transition to become both economically and environmentally more sustainable and deliver a food system that is greener and more productive. Moves are already in play to help this transition from the Soil Nutrient Health Scheme , carbon audits to help establish a baseline through to the recently launched sustainable genetics scheme and proposed changes to farm payments which will be more environmentally focused.
It’s a time of change but there is enormous efforts being made to help farmers through the transition from science backed results from AFBI, transfer of technology and learning from CAFRE through to milk, beef and poultry processors and the wider supply chain. All have the aim wanting to help ensure the transition improves the returns to the farmer and the environment.
At Ulster Bank we too will play our part in helping drive the changes needed by providing the necessary funding to help meet the transition to become more productive. If you want to discuss further then please contact your local manager or Cormac McKervey on 07766071008 or