Beef and Lamb

#LoveLambWeek Snap Sunday competition!

To mark Love Lamb Week the UFU is running a special sheep farming themed Snap Sunday competition. To get members of the public and farmers involved, we are seeking images that represent sheep farming in Northern Ireland. This could be sheep grazing up on the hill from a distance, close by to a public walkway, or sheep grazing behind your home. It could also be an image taken during the working day on farm: feeding or moving sheep or working with lambs. We will also accept images taken earlier in the year during lambing season.

Anything with sheep or lambs in it, please send it our way and the winner will receive a UFU soft shell jacket.

You can send your image(s) by WhatsApp to either Tracey Donaghey (07917 872 328) or Lynsay Hawkes (07917 417 475) with the words #SnapSunday. The closing date for entries is Sunday 8 September.

The entries will be shortlisted and the final four will be posted on Facebook. We will ask you to pick the winner by casting your vote in the comments section. The winning entry will be announced online.