Vehicles used on farms including telehandlers and quads, have tragically been involved in many fatal farm accidents over the years. They have also caused life-changing injuries. To help improve vehicle safety on farms, the Ulster Farmers’ Union is supporting the HSENI’s workplace transport campaign. It provides vital safety information that we urge farmers to make themselves aware of as HSENI staff continue to carry out on-farm inspections.
To use telescopic handlers on-farm it’s important that you:
- Have completed an approved training course, a car license does not over you
- Have the vehicle properly maintained and it must be safe to use
- Have the vehicle thoroughly examined by a suitable individual, you can contact your insurance company for more details
To use quads on farm it’s important that you:
- Have completed an approved training course, a car license does not over you
- Have the vehicle properly maintained and it must be safe to use
- Wear a helmet
Please be mindful that during HSENI inspections, farmers will be expected to be able to produce evidence of the above legal requirements. If farmers do not meet the minimum legal standard, inspectors will take action to ensure this is met.
If you require training, please click here.
For more information on health and safety in agriculture, please click here.