The Ulster Farmers’ Union Mid Tyrone Group would like to invite all UFU members with their friends and families to come along to the ‘Health &Safety Roadshow’ event on Tuesday 12th March from 11.30am – 3.00pm at Alcorn’s, 15 Laurelbank Road, Omagh, BT78 1TA. The event will be focusing on Rural Crime, Farmers’ Health and Farm Safety throughout the day.
UFU President Harry Sinclair said; “The Health & Safety Event has been organised to get more farmers to take on-farm safety more seriously. Farming currently ranks as one of the most hazardous working sectors with the four main causes of death being machinery related incidents, livestock accidents, falls and falling objects and drowning or gassing. Since April 2007, 43 farmers have lost their lives while carrying out work on the farm; this is certainly alarming for everyone within the industry”.
The focus on Farm Safety in the 2012-2013 Winter Programme, aims to raise an awareness of the importance of sensible and practical health and safety to the farming community. Organisations associated with Farm Safety will be represented at the event. They include: the Health and Safety Executive NI, Vulcan Inspection Services, PSNI, NI Fire Brigade and NFU Mutual. The UFU are also pleased to welcome a local nurse from Bradley’s Pharmacy, Omagh to the event, where there will be an opportunity for members to have a full ‘Farmers’ MOT’ check covering Blood pressure, BMI plus many more.
Commenting on the event UFU Mid Tyrone Chairman John Robinson said; “The UFU Health & Safety event is shaping up to be a diverse and exciting event with something for everyone. Farmers are busy people therefore we have worked hard to bring together as many organisations as possible."
"Our aim is to give farmers the opportunity to come along and find out more about the issues that may be concerning them. For example, rural crime is an issue that is at the forefront of many farmers’ minds and this event is the ideal opportunity for farmers to find out more about what they can do to protect their livestock and machinery. PSNI officials will be on hand and farmers can speak directly to them about issues relating to rural crime, as well as the rules and regulations surrounding agri-vehicles on the road."
The Ulster Farmers’ Union would like to encourage all members to put this date in their diary so they can take advantage of this unique opportunity of having all these organisations together to discuss such relevant topics and issues. The Roadshow promises to be an informative and enjoyable event suitable for the whole family and definitely should not be missed.
Admission to the event is free of charge. Refreshments kindly provided by the Mid Tyrone Office will be available throughout the day and there will also be onsite car parking and toilet facilities available. Please contact the Mid Tyrone Office on 028 822 430 57 for catering purposes.
In the interests of biosecurity those attending are asked to wear clean clothes not previously or subsequently to be worn while in direct contact with their own animals.