Rural Affairs

Dedicated schools’ day is fast approaching!

Primary school pupils enjoying their visit to CAFRE Enniskillen on the dedicated school’s day 2023.

The Bank of Ireland Open Farm Weekend (BOIOFW) initiative is taking place on Friday 14 (dedicated schools’ day), Saturday 15 and Sunday 16 June 2024. This free, educational event aimed at school pupils and families, promotes the ‘farm to fork’ message and provides a glimpse of farm life, seeing beyond the farm gate.

Ulster Farmers’ Union (UFU) president and BOIOFW chair William Irvine said, “The dedicated schools’ day is taking place on Friday 14 June 2024. The free interactive schools’ day provides pupils with the opportunity to experience real-life working farms and for farmers to deliver the ‘farm to fork’ story, reconnecting consumers with our farmers – the primary food producers.

“This is a very rewarding day for both the pupils and farm hosts, sharing their unique farm story. In turn, this helps pupils to better understand the important role farmers play in their everyday life, highlighting where food comes from and how farmers take care of the landscape, raising quality livestock and crops to ensure there is always food readily available for consumers.”

Please note: Time slots are limited, and the number of pupils per farm vary. Slots will be allocated on a first come, first served basis.

For more information contact Lynsay Hawkes at UFU HQ on 028 9037 0222 or email To view participating farms, visit the Open Farm Weekend website at: