
Busy time for arable and horticulture at the Balmoral Show

UFU deputy president Glenn Cuddy meets DAERA Minister Andrew Muir in the Healthy Horticulture marquee, supported by CAFRE/UFU and the wider horticulture industry.

Commodity watch by senior policy officer Patricia Erwin

The UFU arable and horticulture committees presented engaging, informative and educational exhibits at the RUAS Balmoral Show in the healthy horticulture marquee.

There was an action-packed schedule across the four days ranging from cookery demonstrations by Joy Rollston, information sessions on flower production and various displays highlighting nutritional values, eating seasonal produce and the importance of supporting local. UFU arable and horticulture committee representatives engaged with members of the public and the retail sector to showcase how cereals, vegetable, potato and apple production are a key part of Northern Ireland’s economy, supporting local communities and managing biodiversity through sustainable food production, benefiting everyone in society.

  • Busy time for arable and horticulture at the Balmoral Show

    REPRO FREE..First Minister Michelle O'Neill and Deputy First Minister Emma Little-Pengelly visit the Healthy Horticulture stand at Balmoral Show on Thursday.Pic Steven McAuley/McAuley Multimedia

  • Busy time for arable and horticulture at the Balmoral Show

    REPRO FREE..First Minister Michelle O'Neill and Deputy First Minister Emma Little-Pengelly visit the Healthy Horticulture stand at Balmoral Show on Thursday.Pic Steven McAuley/McAuley Multimedia

  • Busy time for arable and horticulture at the Balmoral Show

    Leading NI horticulture representatives from across the industry were introduced to the DAERA Minister by Patricia Erwin, chair RUAS horticulture committee and David Dowd, head of horticulture education CAFRE. The representatives took the opportunity to discuss the importance of their sectors as he visited each exhibit within the marquee.

  • Busy time for arable and horticulture at the Balmoral Show

    UFU committee members Graham Furey (seeds and cereals) with Robert Sibbett (potatoes) helped promote the importance of local sustainable production for cereals and potatoes. The children’s knowledge trail tested who knew their oats supported by AHDB and Whites Speedicook. UFU potato committee member Ian Hill provided mini-tubers and information for the potato exhibit supported by industry mascot Mighty Spud.

  • Busy time for arable and horticulture at the Balmoral Show

    Children visited the healthy horticulture potting table area and with help on hand from dedicated volunteers manning the activity, many lettuce plugs were potted up, ready to take home to grow and enjoy.

  • Busy time for arable and horticulture at the Balmoral Show