Commodity watch by senior policy officer Patricia Erwin
The Ulster Farmers’ Union (UFU) continue to monitor the plant protection product situation. The UFU, DAERA, CAFRE, British Agriculture Bureau (BAB) and HSE/CRD had a constructive meeting discussing and emphasising the importance of ensuring the delivery of timely approved product into Northern Ireland.
At a recent BAB and COPA Cogeca Working Parties on cereals and oilseeds and protein crops, a leading manufacturer raised concerns about the future of weed management in cereals. With a depleting toolbox and increasing concerns over loss of active substance due to ever tightening regulations with the adoption of ‘hazard’ classes, this is predicted to seriously impact future authorisations, and will bring additional challenges to arable and horticulture production.
At the meeting it was reported in the last five years no new active substances had been approved and in the same window, 68 active substance have been lost signaling no new substances before 2030. Resistance for weeds is increasing and highlights the need for effective weed control.
Going forward growers are highly dependent on availability of new products being authorised for use in Northern Ireland. The plant protection product manufacturers, distributors and local merchants have a key role to play going forward ensuring withdrawal, use-up dates and MRL regulatory requirements are understood and met by the end users.
Harvesting potato and cereal crops is progressing across the province. Reports indicate harvest has proven slow for some members and ground conditions tricky for harvesting cereal and planting winter crops. With reports of the French wheat crop down 25% and similar reports from across the EU, this could signal a tight market going forward with a lack of reserves. The potato situation is reported to be similar to last year with many late plantings, later harvesting window and the additional challenges of aphid and blight management in the crops. The UFU are awaiting a meeting with DAERA to further discuss both the aphid actively and blight strains reported in some crops.
UFU vegetable and top fruit committees are progressing dates with DAERA/CAFRE to discuss new support measures for Horticulture.
Date for your diary: CAFRE, UAS and UFU arable conference will take place 9oon Thursday 6 February 2025.