
UFU attend Brussels meetings

Ulster Farmers’ Union (UFU) president David Brown and UFU parliamentary officer Alexander Kinnear attended various meetings in Brussels during the week to discuss the NI Protocol. The UFU continue to highlight various issues which still need resolution, such as the fast-approaching end to grace periods for access to veterinary medicines. Alongside recent EU Commission based decisions which have led to a 25% tariff on the purchasing of GB steel that has impacted on Northern Ireland (NI) and the ROI, with little consideration to its consequences in Ireland.

Discussion also focused on the challenges for energy policy in the UK and EU, gas supply and its wider economic impact on agriculture and how EU proposals could directly affect NI through the all-island energy market.

During their visit to Brussels, UFU representatives also attended the Copa-Cogeca Praesidium representing NI farmers.

UFU parliamentary officer Alexander Kinnear, UFU president David Brown, Angela McCallister NI Executive Office and BAB director Robin Manning.

UK Unions met Matt Hinde from the national grid.