Technical Team

UFU members are able to avail of our exclusive technical officer service, which provides free one-to-one support with practical farm related issues. To date, our technical team have helped thousands of members on a range of issues and in many cases have helped member to recover significant sums of money. For instance, in 2016 we recovered over £250,000 for our members.

If you have a query, please contact your technical officer to discuss and if we can help, we will. We will consider any case and will try to offer assistance.

In particular, we can help with:
  • Nitrates inspections
  • Water bills
  • Single Farm Payment appeals
  • Single Farm Payment inspections
  • Legal disputes
  • NIE compensation
  • Reducing penalties
  • Preparation for appeals processes (e.g. stage 1 and stage 2 appeals)
  • Guidance on the process for dealing with welfare issues
  • Guidance on farming dates and legislation (e.g. slurry spreading, hedge cutting)
  • Planning guidance and applications
Ulster Farmers Union

Senior Technical Officer

Gillian Cheatley

Responsible for UFU Groups:

North Down, Mid Down, Lagan, Donard, Ards

Senior Technical Officer

Cheryl Herdman

Responsible for UFU Groups:

North East Armagh, Armagh Down, South West Down

Senior Technical Officer

Leslie Craig

Responsible for UFU Groups:

North West Armagh, South East Fermanagh, North Fermanagh, South West Fermanagh, East Tyrone, South Tyrone, Mid Tyrone, North Tyrone

Senior Technical Officer

Robert Cochrane

Responsible for UFU Groups:

North Antrim,  Mid Antrim, Larne, Ballyclare, West Antrim, North West Derry, South Derry, North East Derry

Technical Officer (Monday, Thursday and Friday)

Caroline Montgomery

Technical Officer Full time

Hannah Foster
Ulster Farmers Union